Present literature states that people with acquired organic brain dysfunctions face problems with attention, executive functions and social interaction. During the past years an increasing number of patients with organic brain disorders have been committed into our forensic psychiatry. In current literature studies on this group of patients are underrepresented. This study wanted to verify the impairment of cognitive functions of this specific group of patients. Included were all patients of the forensic psychiatry in Rostock (Mecklenburg-Western-Pomerania) with a primary or secondary organic brain dysfunction who have been committed into the clinic since 2009. These patients went through an extensive neuropsychological test battery. It was found that patients affected by organic brain dysfunction achieve lower results in the neuropsychological testing than non impaired patients, but their results are not as below average than it would have been expected. Further studies should show, if these patients are able to improve their performance while successfully undergoing psychotherapy.
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