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Friday, 31 May 2013

Forensic patients with organic brain disorders, The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, Informa Healthcare

Forensic patients with organic brain disorders, The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, Informa Healthcare

Present literature states that people with acquired organic brain dysfunctions face problems with attention, executive functions and social interaction. During the past years an increasing number of patients with organic brain disorders have been committed into our forensic psychiatry. In current literature studies on this group of patients are underrepresented. This study wanted to verify the impairment of cognitive functions of this specific group of patients. Included were all patients of the forensic psychiatry in Rostock (Mecklenburg-Western-Pomerania) with a primary or secondary organic brain dysfunction who have been committed into the clinic since 2009. These patients went through an extensive neuropsychological test battery. It was found that patients affected by organic brain dysfunction achieve lower results in the neuropsychological testing than non impaired patients, but their results are not as below average than it would have been expected. Further studies should show, if these patients are able to improve their performance while successfully undergoing psychotherapy.

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Psychotherapeutic Interventions Benefit Patients With Depression

Psychotherapeutic Interventions Benefit Patients With Depression

Treatments for depression that don't involve antidepressant drugs but rather focus on different forms of talking therapy (referred to as psychotherapeutic interventions) are all beneficial, with no one form of therapy being better than the others, according to a study by international researchers published in this week's PLOS Medicine. 

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

New Electronic Books in the Library!

New Electronic books in the library!

Experiencing Endings and Beginnings by Isca Salzberger-Wittenberg, 

Melanie Klein : Her Work in Context by Meira Likierman,

 The Learning Relationship : Psychoanalytic Thinking in Education by Biddy Youell, Hamish Canham et al

Letters: Joyce Robertson's films had a huge impact on trainee social workers | Society | The Guardian

Joyce Robertson's films had a huge impact on trainee social workers

Letters: Joyce Robertson's films had a huge impact on trainee social workers | Society | The Guardian

Joyce Robertson obituary | Society |

 Writer and researcher who studied the effect on children of separation from their parents, particularly in hospitals

Joyce Robertson obituary | Society |

See our new Tapsnaps on Attachment

Produced by Isabella Stokes whilst on a placement.

ORGANIZATIONAL AND SOCIAL DYNAMICS: International Perspectives from Group Relations, Psychoanalysis and Systems Theory. International Conference.

Details of conference 

 Call for papers 

How to join 

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Save time - order and pay online for Interlibrary Loans/Photocopies

We are pleased to announce our streamlined document supply service is live.  To save you time the library has developed an online order and payment system for interlibrary loans and Associate Centre requests.

Using the service is easy.

Just make your requests in the usual way using the interlibrary loan/associate request tabs on the library catalogue and complete the request form.

Once you have submitted your form you will receive a confirmation email and your request will be processed.

How many database searches and fulltext downloads did you all make last year?

For a small library these statistics are very high so well done everyone. Keep on using our resources!

Friday, 3 May 2013

Solve your referencing problems with Endnote

If you do not already have an Endnote account, sign up now for Endnoteweb basic. You can export your references direct from EBSCO into Endnote and users of later versions of Word can cite as they write into their chosen referencing style.

Accounts are free to all, and you can now register online from any location.  Click here to create your account.  

• New accounts include up to 2GB storage for documents (pdfs/text/multimedia)