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Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Learning more about literature reviews

Depending on the course you're in, there is a chance that you may have to produce a literature review. It can be for your PhD, a Master's thesis or at the request of your tutor.
But what is a literature review? How do you perform a literature search? How do you choose which references to mention? And what are the rules to cite them?

The following presentation should answer many of those questions and more.
And remember: when in doubt, just ask a librarian!

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

I dream in autism - Free Tavistock and Portman Talk at the Tavistock Centre 14 May at 6.00pm in the Committee Room

Richard Maguire from Autism Live Training will share his own personal account of growing up with autism and will talk about how he now helps other sufferers to become understood. Alongside his own insights, Richard gives hints, tips and strategies on how to deal with autism which can be useful for families.
Read more here


Endnote is referencing software which is available online. You can export your references direct from EBSCO into Endnote and users of later versions of Word can cite as they write into their chosen referencing style.  

If you do not already have an Endnote account, sign up now for Endnoteweb basic.

Accounts are free to all, and you can now register online from any location.  Click here to create your account. 

• New accounts include up to 2GB storage for documents (pdfs/text/multimedia)

For help using Endnote have a look at  our bitesize Endnote screencasts or the more detailed Endnote presentation under the Need Help? tab on our website or click here

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Mental Health Research Funding Available From MQ: Transforming Mental Health

MQ is making over £1million available to support three funding opportunities through their new Psy-IMPACT Programme.

The three funding streams are focused on the goal to stimulate innovation and advances in the field of psychological treatments.

Applicants are challenged to demonstrate how their project will help foster a better understanding of how psychological treatments work, with whom and why they work, and how they can be improved upon to benefit to people with mental health problems.

Click  here for full details