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Monday, 27 February 2017

Exporting a reference from Google Scholar to EndNote

If you find an interesting paper while using Google Scholar, you can easily export its reference to your EndNote Web by following those simple steps.

from Information Skills: all you need to know

Monday, 20 February 2017

3 simple steps to find more relevant articles on your topic

Do you struggle to find documents on your topic?
The good news is that if you have just one relevant paper, then you can use that one to find many others.

Take that one interesting paper and check the following:
  • Are there other papers written by that author?
  • Are there interesting papers mentioned in the paper's bibliography?
  • Has this paper been cited by others?
Then, do the same thing for any paper you've found.

This is called the "snowball technique"... and it can lead you to end up with a huge amount of papers!
So always make sure that the new papers you find are actually directly relevant to your topic before you start researching them...

In the video below, you will see in details how to apply this technique, using EBSCOhost databases and Google Scholar.

from Information Skills: all you need to know

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

NHS E-Learning resources promoting integration of physical and mental health launched

"Breaking Down the Barriers" aims to support education across the NHS workforce by providing the training materials to enhance existing skills, increase knowledge for early recognition, assessment, management and signposting of mental and physical health needs of patients.

A key aim of this work is to facilitate and encourage collaborative

To access and download FREE Health Education England:Breaking Down the Barriers mental and physical health awareness training materials and resources for your trust and organisation, please click here

In order to access any e-LfH programme, you will need an e-LfH account. If you do not have one, then you can register by selecting the ‘Register’ button in the top right hand corner of the page.

Monday, 6 February 2017

Tweaking your literature search to get relevant results

Once you've done a literature search and you start looking at the results, you might get surprised...
If you're lucky, most of the results will be actually relevant to your topic.
But very often, this won't be the case.

If most of your results are not actually on the topic you were researching, you can use the following techniques to modify your search:
  • Do the search again using a "field";
  • Limit your search by subject; or
  • Add another term to your search.
Here are detailed explanations, in video:

from Information Skills: all you need to know

Sunday, 5 February 2017


Drop into the library or have a look at our e-resources for the up to the minute child mental health information.

And don't forget to follow us on Facebook and/or Twitter to keep up to date with the latest conversations on this topic

Friday, 3 February 2017

Recommendations and suggestions for new library resources welcomed

The library holds a wide range of mental of health information in our print and electronic collections but we are always open to suggestions for new materials.

If there is anything you would like us to add please drop us an email to:

or go to the purchase suggestions link on the library catalogue and submit a request

Best wishes,

The Librarian

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Are you disabled? Need help with using the library? Get in touch with us now!

We can offer confidential one-to-one support sessions with our Disability Support Librarian as well as longer loans, half price copying/printing and a postal loan service.

To arrange a one to one session or for an informal chat about your support needs, contact Lise Szwann, Tel:  020 8938 2306or by email to:

For the full range of help and resources check out the library's dedicated webpage for Disabled Users