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Thursday, 7 February 2013

Library commended by National Sally Hernando Awards for Innovation in NHS Library and Knowledge Services

The library has been awarded commendations for three Innovations and one commendation for Good Practice as part of the National Sally Hernando Awards for Innovation in NHS Library and Knowledge Services 2012-13. This is judged by a panel of SHA Library Leads and Library Service Managers. This is the third year that we have won awards and we are pleased that we have been able to continue to improve the library service with our innovations and examples of good practice.   


Critical skills for Library Staff
Because of the ever changing roles of the Library staff we decided that we needed to make sure we had not only had an understanding of how technologies work and why they are used but also the more basic skills that are needed to ensure that the library delivers an excellent Service.

This was the first time that we had produced an actual framework outlining relevant tasks that staff needed to be able to do. Interestingly the week after we started to develop this framework CILIP produced a much more detailed one, which we referred to whilst developing ours.

As a result of the Framework we decided to introduce Staff Awareness Meetings. These last 30 minutes and a couple of members of staff demonstrate certain tasks/technologies in the Framework so that relevant staff can then be assessed on the skills needed. This is on- going.

OnlinePayment System for External Members, CPD courses, ILL etc.The membership librarian worked with the systems analyst to develop an online Payment System. Members can now pay online to join or renew their membership of the library.  They receive an automated receipt containing a link to our online tutorial explaining how to use library resources. Users  will also be able to pay for ILL and other fee-based services.
Pinterest is a pin board stylesocial image sharing website
Visual way of presenting information, in this case new material added to the library stock, namely new Books and new Staff Publications on the Open access repository. Lists of materials are never very exciting, but Pinterest allows the user to link to book covers, with a synopsis of what the book is about and a link to the Catalogue/Repository so that the user can check availability. As it is a social sharing website Images can be shared with all other users of Pinterest and we have at least 20 people a week pinning from these boards. In total we have 8 boards which we use to house useful images, such as Books on Order, Images for Presentations etc. More people have looked at our new material since we started using Pinterest. There had been a sharp rise in the number of visitors to e-Prints since we started using Pinterest at the beginning of the year. 

On-line Reading Lists
We are the first library in the world to go live with this Product called Rebus. We have been working with our Koha Support company PTFS Europe in developing this brand new software. Rebus has enabled us to migrate from our existing reading list system to new web-based Online Reading Lists. Lists created and managed online, records pulled through from Library opac or entered manually.  Links to e-books and full-text papers fully integrated, live search of opac to display current availability of items on lists and Reserve an Item feature for items that are on loan. The tagging feature allows students to filter lists by assigned tags, ie seminar headings or dates, lecturers, subjects. Tutors can create/update their own lists, and assign subject tags to items in the list. Students can use QR codes to save details of individual items on their smart phones. Links to TOCs enable students to keep up-to-date with current research in their area.RSS feed for list which alerts students when new items are added to their reading list.

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